1936 Other Makes Auburn 852 SC Description
View our eBay StoreSign up for our Email Newsletter 1936 Auburn 852 SC Phaeton Offered with a reserve.
We are very pleased to offer this nicely restored car. Finished in a striking color combination with sidemounted spare, nd integrated trunk. An extremely rare RHD car, t was delivered to Australia, nd remained there until purchased by the current owner many years back. Of course the real special thing here is the supercharged motor with the sporting outside exhaust- think about it- only the most exciting cars from the classic era had outside exhausts- the Mercedes-the Bentley-and of course the Duesenberg. The 35-6 Supercharged Auburns are definitely the "Baby Duesenberg"
With few made new and only 20 listed in the ACD Directory, he Supercharged Phaeton is a rare and exciting tour car that really has few peers. Featuring 150 HP, ight steering, fully synchronized and rather sweet gearbox, nd a dual ratio rear end, hese cars are quite capable of 100 MPH, nd will travel comfortably at highway speeds all day long. The Gordon Buehrig designed 35-6 Auburn is one of the most beautiful cars of the Classic Era, car that made history, car that rewards the driver in so many ways, car you and drive and enjoy.
This car runs and drives very well and really needs nothing but a happy new owner. I would not hesitate to drive this car cross country today.
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The Auburn Automobile Company grew out of the Eckhart Carriage Company, ounded in Auburn, ndiana, n 1875 by Charles Eckhart (1841–1915). Eckhart's sons, rank and Morris, egan making automobiles on an experimental basis before entering the business in earnest, bsorbing two other local carmakers and moving into a larger plant in 1909. The enterprise was modestly successful until materials shortages during World War I forced the plant to close. In 1919, he Eckhart brothers sold out to a group of Chicago investors headed by Ralph Austin Bard, ho later served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and as Under Secretary of the Navy for President Roosevelt and for President Harry S. Truman. The new owners revived the business but failed to realize the profits that they hoped for.
In 1924, hey approached Errett Lobban Cord (1894–1974), highly successful automobile salesman, ith an offer to run the company. Cord countered with an offer to take over completely in what amounted to a leveraged buyout. The Chicago group accepted. Cord aggressively marketed the company's unsold inventory and completed his buyout before the end of 1925. In 1926, e partnered with Duesenberg Corporation, amous for its racing cars, nd used it as the launching platform for a line of high-priced luxury vehicles. He also put his own name on a front-wheel-drive car, he Cord, ater referred to as "L-29".. Employing imaginative designers such as Alan Leamy and Gordon Buehrig, ord built cars that became famous for their advanced engineering as well as their striking appearance, .g., he 1928 Auburn Boattail Speedster, he Model J Duesenbergs, he 1935–1937 Auburn Speedsters and the 810/812 Cords. Our Ebay Policies:
Significant Cars is one of the largest Collector Car Brokers and Dealers in the Country. Since 2003 we have worked hard to "change the way collector cars find new homes" by providing unparralleled web presentation of the cars we are representing. Most of our cars have over 30 photographs, nd these can be viewed by visiting our website (our eBay handle dot com), r by clicking on any of the photographs in the black background area of our EBay listings. We welcome your call with any questions about any of our listings at anytime at 800-837-9902 and certainly encourage your personal inspection of any of the cars we are selling-just call us and we will be happy to set up an appointment for your to see and test drive the car. We realize that eBay is a difficult venue to properly evaluate an item as complex as an automobile. You can feel secure bidding with confidence on any of our cars since we guarantee your satisfaction! Should you win the auction and come to see the car and decide you do not want it for any reason, o negative feedback will result, ny deposit you may have paid will be cheerfully refunded.
Description images and copy © Significant Cars, nc.