1970 FORD LTD 390
1970 Ford Other LTD Description
Back on the market.... again. Here is an update. The last person to look at this LTD (a master mechanic) adjusted the belts, arburetor, nd most important the points. Engine started fine and sounded great. Did not take it on the street. What the last buyer said to tell everyone is, his car has set in the weather for 4 years. Is not garage kept. Finish and chrome, indow trim, ash, nd plastic on dash, lthough original, s very weathered. The radio is original and there but removed from the dash.
Here is the original post:
I bought this 1970 LTD 4 years ago. Prior to that it sat covered for 11 years. It needs painting. Has some rust and only one dent about the size of a dime on the hood. It's AS IS. Will not stay running. A good car to restore. I drove it for 3 years off and on and in the winter because it had a better heater than my Explorer. My only complaint was the driver seat vinyl is all gone and the radio is AM signal. While I drove it, t ran fine. It was slow shifting on cold mornings but after the 3rd or 4th shift it did fine the rest of the day. Always started nicely. We purchased the LTD from a small lot in Jeffersonville Indiana and paid $1500.00. This LTD has new tires. In addition, put about another $800 in parts. The original owners live (and still do) 3 streets from us. I think we put about 3,000 miles on the engine while we had it.
Now, t starts sometimes, ometimes it won't. Turns good like it's going to start but just won't stay running or stalls at a red light. Be ready to hall it away, ot drive it. I drove it about 6 weeks ago around the neighborhood, ut out of fear of it stopping and me having to pay to have it towed, parked it and there it sits still.
More info: 390 engine, lip up headlights, nd owner, ll original and solid body. Engine still turns freely, nd will even start up but will die when accelerating. On occasion will start and drive. body is in relatively good condition, ith small amounts of rust on bottom panels. interior is good except drivers seat is heavily damaged. new tires, ater pump, an clutch, elts, lternator, oints, park plugs, istributor rotor, tarter solenoid and ignition coil. Radio is pulled out but works perfect.
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