1964 ford thunderbolt
1964 Ford Fairlane 2 door fairlane Description
1964 ford thunderbolt factory built. Has factory light weight aluminum front bumper, iber glass fenders, ood. Plexiglass rear side windows, ear window retainers, ront toe hooks, rginal ecloline seats, oor pads no arm rest holes. Ford 427 high rise, ide oiler, uto. 9in. rear. This car has NEVER been titled or licenced nation wide search has been done in all 50 states. Car has been in storeage since 1968 til 2002. We believe this car is a orginal tbolt along with derborn steel tubing front supension up grade welded in.This car has been rebodied. It also particpated in the world championship drag race in Detroit dragway in Aug. of 1964 Phone # 618 218 2237 Vin # is 4f41t189882
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