Estate-fresh 1969 Mercury Cougar - CORRECTED LISTING with updated VIN #
1969 Mercury Cougar Description
Hi all - this listing is now corrected to remove the erroneous information that this was an XR-7. I don't know much about cars and was mistaken about the trim package, tc. Also, here was one numeral incorrect in the VIN#, hich has now been corrected.
This regular, on-XR-71969 Mercury Cougar belonged to Ib Melchior, fascinating and truly unique gentleman. Ib served as an officer in the US Counterintelligence Corps during the war and was awarded the Bronze Star in recognition of his discovery and capture of a Nazi Werewolf unit. After the war, elchior settled in Los Angeles where he became an acclaimed writer and director of science fiction films including 'The Angry Red Planet' and 'The Time Travelers'. Melchior's wife of 50 years, leo Baldon, as an acclaimed designor of furniture, nteriors, ools, nd landscapes throughout Southern California.
The deceased owner passed away early last year and the car has not been started in about a year but was running and used up until then. It is being offered in "as is" condition at public auction this coming Sunday, ebruary 21st at Abell Auction Co. in Commerce, alifornia. Their website is and this car is lot 166. The estimate in Sunday's auction is $3,500-5,000, ut if we get the right offer before then, e have the option to pull it from the sale. If you have questions about Sunday's auction, lease contact Abell Auction Co. If you would like to make an offer before then, lease do so ASAP.
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