Sky Hawk
1956 Studebaker Sky Hawk Hardtop Description
This Sky Hawk has had an off frame restoration, eplacing two rusted areas, river side floor and left side trunk floor. The under side was then painted with Por 15 and undercoated. The freeze plugs were removed, ngine flushed clean including a new water pump and painted the original Studebaker color. New spark plugs and wires, lternator, Z wiring with fuse panel, ew toggle switches, ll gauges work plus tachometer and clock. The engine and the automatic transmission work well, he car does drive. There is a picture of an overhead console from a Dodge Van plus sound proof material - a new headliner will be required. The three SS bows for the headliner are included. The original Sky Hawk interior (still present) was recovered and a new interior will be required but it is possible to see how it was designed by Studebaker. There is no a radio or antenna. Both sunvisors are present. I do not believe there are any parts missing. This Sky Hawk has had the "grunt" work towards restoration conducted. My plan was to keep the car but that has changed and I plan to sell. However, ecause the car was being restored for myself, ll repair work was conducted correctly. The car is at the stage for an individual to customize the Sky Hawk to their desire. Please go to following web site for suggested price references (eBay does NOT permit the first three letters) Sky Hawks were acclaimed by many as the best-looking of the four Hawks produced in 1956. The Sky Hawk was different from the Golden Hawk because it featured less chrome trim and also lacked the Golden Hawk's fins. Studebaker Sky Hawks featured hardtop styling and they were powered by the President's 289 cubic inch V8 with 210 hp along with adequate handling, nd fine performance. The Sky Hawk featured an overall length of 203.9 inches, wheelbase of 120.5 inches and it had an overall weight of 3,215 lbs. A total of 3610 units were produced which gave the Sky Hawk a low-production appeal, ence, ighly sought after.
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